St Mary’s Parochial Church Council (PCC) is the main decision maker of the parish. Its members are clergy, churchwardens and others elected by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) of the parish. It exists to...
enable the church to play its part in God’s mission to his world
co-operate with the minister in sharing leadership
ensure legal compliance with charity law and ecclesiastical law, in particular in the areas of finance, employment and appointments
care for the buildings and churchyard so that they may be best suited for the purpose of the church’s ministry and mission
as a channel of consultation within the wider Church through its synodical structures on matters that affect the Church locally and nationally
Approved minutes for PCC meetings are always available to those on the Electoral Roll of the church and can be obtained from the Parish Office.
Our Policies
Below you will find a copy of the most frequently requested policies, approved by PCC. Further policies may be available on request from the Parish Office.